Monday, March 20, 2006


Its been ages I know, but not a lot has really happened since the last update apart from going out drinking, so there hasnt been much point writing! HOWEVER! things have got a little more exciting in recent days. yesterday, the commercial trip to the outer barrier reef got cancelled, and about 20 crew (including myself) had to go out and secure the pontoon we moor at for a cyclone!!! we had to remove everything that was loose, drop the diving platform to the sea bed, and tie everything else down so that if the cyclone hit, damage would be minimal! it was a brilliant day! there was so few of us on a boat with a 440 passenger capacity, playing cards, listening to fat boy slim, and just generally chillin out. its sooo much better when you've got no customers! and on the way back, we took advantage of the free bar, then went out on the piss at 5 o'clock, due to no work today!
now i personally thought this whole thing was hilarious, but unfortunately, the seas were calm. apparently last time, there was 40 knot winds (thats really strong - the boat does carry passengers if its over 33) and massive swells, which would've been cool, but it was actually a really fun day anyway. next we have to go put it all back again. cant wait!
all that aside, i've finished my 65 days working for $40 a day, so i now get paid $80, which means i can actually afford to buy food now which is a bonus! my instructor course starts in about 2 weeks, so its study, study, study for me.
i'll be in touch soon. xx


At March 27, 2006 5:37 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooooh. Fun fun fun. Rugby is boring at the moment with no matches for about two months. Ugh. Take care of yourself.


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